monkeycrap's Diaryland Diary


Every dark cloud has a silver lining, but then again, thousands of people are killed by lightning every year.

When it�s my moment in the sun,
Oh, how beautiful I�ll be,
But in a normal sort of way,
Like I am you and you are me.

When it�s my moment in the sun,
I won�t forget that I am blessed,
But every hero walks alone,
Thinking of more things to confess.

Clem Snide - Moment in the Sun

It's all about that special moment, ain't it? In almost every aspect of our lives, we work endlessly, we sweat like crazy, we toil continuously, we dream mindlessly, we pine shamlessly, we hope longingly, we worry needlessly, all for that moment, that state of temporal bliss. That indescribable feeling of having everything in your favour, of, well it's just not adequate to call it success or accomplishment. It's just the feeling of pure bliss. Yeah, it may last that few seconds, maybe a day or two, it may, after a while, come crashing down when reality sets in, but whatever, it's just the power of that moment. And it's all so worth it. I've felt it before, i've tasted victory a couple of times. I wanna do it again.

While it applies to every aspect of our lives, nothing describes the abovementioned better than the Olympic Games. I'm amazed by the atheletes. Behind each of them is a story of hard work, grit, blood, sweat and tears. They were probably laughed at by their friends for having no life, for doing nothing but training. Read the autobiography of one of the greatest pro wrestlers of all time and olympic gold medallist, Kurt Angle. I wish I had the mental strength and concentration span, as well as the intestinal fortitude. He had to travel miles, just to train, and then travel back, to study. You know, it's ironic, because these atheletes are supposed to inspire you to dare to dream, but after watching them, I just kinda feel like an unaccomplished waste of human tissue. Like some unmotivated sloth. I can just imagine a documentary being done on me. "Shallow and boring, this organism here so magnificiently demonstrates the lack of life so commonly associated with the lower lifeforms of the human order." Then the camera pans in on me, lumbering in my green uniform from bunk to camp, and from camp back to bunk.

It can also be applied in the area of relationships. Dreaming, wishing, hoping that one day, one fine day, that magical moment will come when everything falls into place. Of course the moment's temporary la, judging from the high probability of breakups and from the exponentially increasing divorce rate. But still, it's the feeling. According to that idiot Kelly Clarkson, in verse 2 line 2 of that stupid song, in can be idiotproofly inferred that 'some people will have to wait a lifetime, for a moment like this'. Somehow there's this nagging feeling that I'm the 'some people'. Hopefully not yeah? No la don't think so right. Right? RIGHT?? And if you guys think this is about my inability to get a hot date with the pasir ris magazine auntie, it isn't. It's about my inability to get a hot date with the toa payoh magazine auntie.

I think I'll have a problem going overseas to study. I pretty much suck at deciphering accents. There's this person in my camp, he just came back from the UK, bringing along with him a British accent thicker than the haze in Indonesia. This morning, he wanted to ask me if I was the orderly for the day, he went, "Yaw nawt dee awwderlee faww to-die??" Then he started talking, or tawking rather, and said something which after translation, basically meant, "one whole string of incomprehensible gobbledegook". I was like, "Oh holy schisser blimey no mate ya! I no understand wat talking you."

I've decided to write up a list of stuff I wanna accomplish by the time I complete my NS. I don't wanna come out of camp with nothing but a 'Certified Pathetic' stamp on my forehead.

What if one day you find that everyone around you were all against you? Like it's all a test to see how many masks you put on when you talk to different individuals? What if the person whom you've been trying to impress actually knows the irritant you hate so much and starts comparing the shocking differences in the things you say to them and the tone in which you talk to them? Scary, ain't it.

Anyway, I'm off now. Hasta manana.

Give me one moment in time, when I'm more than I thought I could be, when all of my dreams are a heartbeat away, and the answers are all up to me....

1:41 p.m. - 2004-08-22


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