monkeycrap's Diaryland Diary


All things are known because you wanna believe you know.

Music i'm listening to: Evanescence-my immortal

Music that's been playing in my head the past entire freaking week and i don't know why: Tal Bachman-she's so high

Just turned 19 last thursday. Thanks so much guys, for all the birthday greetings and SMSes. For all the presents... the treats, cds, 24km route marches(that one was a present from the SAF), etc. So yeah i'm 19, eligible for M18 movies, i've just been promoted in rank, the first part of army life's over, and i've got my one week break. I guess life's kinda smooth right now.

One week to enjoy, that's all i've got. 7 days, 168 hours, 10080 minutes, 604800 seconds. I'm really gonna enjoy every single second of each day. Carpe diem. And for that to happen, well, i've gotta plan these 7 days real well. And stick to the plan.

'Seek freedom and become captive of your desires, seek discipline and find your liberty.'--Frank Herbert, Chapterhouse Dune

Some people really suck. Yup, there's no other way to describe them. The past four months, i've had the dishonour of knowing this person in my camp. Well, ok, he's still a friend, an acquaintance, but he sucks. Really. Every single discussion, whenever i say something that does not correspond to his line of belief, he'll just go, "Ok, that's definitely out, let's continue." And if i carry on, which i normally do just to spite mr.aristotle, he'll go, "You think you know a lot don't you?" So i'll just sit there and give him a little hint that there's a little part of me that's telling me to decapitate him and perhaps wipe him out from the face of the earth. And so he'll make things better by saying, "Haha i just like to screw around with people's minds." Look, you mamemoo look alike, firstly, not affected. Secondly, no matter what you say, you still look like a mamemoo. Thirdly, as if looking like a mamemoo isn't bad enough, you still suck. Ok i should stop before i sound incredibly whiny. Maybe i already do.

I'll miss my buddies though. They've been of so much help during these 4 months, we've been through so, so much together, suffering, complaining, etc. And it all ended with a simple 'bye, take care yeah?' yesterday. I guess that seals the transition from reality to memory. And these transitions, it feels like a rubber band push-pull effect, where you wanna move on, but at the same time you don't.

Tattoos are memories, of dead skin on trial, for what it's worth, it was worth it all the while; it's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right, i hope you had the time of your life.

Gonna go now. Have to pack my room. Hasta luego amigos.

7:23 a.m. - 2004-03-26


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