monkeycrap's Diaryland Diary


next stop: safehaven.

Heh i'm back in my old house right now, just spent the night there. Ahh, solitude is pure bliss. Just like ignorance. Band meeting right now? Oops. I didn't know. Anyway slept at around 4 last night, was basically chilling around, watching lame movies on dvd. And reruns of stupid shows on tv, like temptation island. Great, other people are studying their asses off and i'm sitting there watching people go, 'Hi, i'm 23, desperate and came on this show to get drunk and slimed for no cost at all!'

Anyway. I think i'm suffering from aibohponex. Which, as the more perceptive of you realise, is the opposite of xenophobia. From young, i've always had a soft spot for foreigners. Maybe it's another one of my quirky idiosyncracies, but everytime i see, like, some ang moh backpacking couple, i have this urge to go up to them and offer them a free tour of singapore. Don't know what is it about them. Like yesterday, on the train, saw this couple analysing the train routes together, discussing on where to go for lunch, laughing together... Just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I wanna do that too. Can you imagine it, going round the world with that special someone? Just the 2 of you, on the top of some chilean mountain, or floating about in venice at night, or in some spanish pub, or at the foot of angel falls. To me, that's life. Backpacking, seeing the street life, eating totally unclean street food, and getting 7 foot worms drowing in your ass juice. Who could ask for more?

Was at vong's house yesterday. Nice place. Ordered pizza, basically chilled around till midnight. Boy, is bishan quiet at night. In the day, especially around j8, you can see hordes of teenage ah beng wannabes. Nothing against them, they're just sitting around minding their own business. But its quite funny when they just approach people walking on the streets and spout some pick up line that looks like it came from some trashy men's mag. Only thing is that it's been translated to singlish. I dunno, i just think it's like the Dove cream shower ads. Fake, hilarious, and ultra revolting.

Ok will stop crapping for now, going to feed the turtles and fishes. Cheers.

9:06 a.m. - 2003-06-23


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