monkeycrap's Diaryland Diary


the 3 harmonics. within, with others, with nature.

Ok there's something i don't really get. In a lot of blogs that i've been reading while avidly bloghopping, i've been seeing entries where people have to sort of entertain their grandparents or their relatives and they are kind of complaining how much they hate to do so, how much of a chore it is, how much they'd rather be doing something else, how they have to act as though they actually listen to them. I'm amused. Is it THAT hard? Is it that troublesome to take the time to just listen to an old lady complain about the weather? Especially when you know that in the near future, simple events like this may not occur? I mean, you spend a whole day in school, enduring scoldings and long droning 'speeches' conducted by (mentally) older (and uglier, if i may add) people, so what's the big deal? Maybe it's just me. Maybe i was born to like to listen to others. Maybe i'm one of those people who choose to act too mature for my own good, one of those who actually sees that there is something to learn from these people, directly or indirectly, after filtering out the superficial gobbledegook.

Sometimes, all we need is someone to listen. For the people who think that they don't, that they can solve all problems alone, that it's cool and macho to do so, that only people in the lower levels confide in each other, well, i think there are 3 places where these people might end up. Woodbridge hospital, changi prison, or the obituary pages. After all, living IS all about relationships.

But sometimes, its not as simple as that. Sometimes we get too entangled in the web of friendships, relationships, cruiseships(ok very bad joke), that the mere removal of a thread causes us to crumble. I think a dynamic balance needs to be obtained, between inter and intrapersonal stuff. I think people, including me, tend to place too much emphasis on one aspect(either being too self centred or bothering too much about all the -ships), realising that, and then rushing to the other end of the see-saw, comforting themselves that they're doing the right thing, only to find that the balance is disrupted in the other direction. Process repeats. It's a vicious cycle.

Also, listening has to be spontaneous. It's different from hearing what one has to say. It's gotta be spontaneous. Sometimes i feel that when i'm desperate for someone to listen, no one does. And when i tell people that, these nice people will be going, "oh ok, tell me what's going on, i'm listening now!" I truly appreciate that, but i just can't say anything. It's gotta be spontaneous. Which is the reason why, i think, psychiatrists take time to really understand patients. And it usually happens only when they've established friendship with their 'patients'.

Ok on to normal stuff. Heh. Went for a class outing to sentosa yesterday, with classmates. What i've learned:

1)Fake Nike watches and poser shades will get destroyed by the water at palawan beach, sentosa.

2)Diving and flipping and acting like constipated walruses on the floating devices at palawan will only get you attention from small malay kids.

3)Saltwater may not always be good for ur throat, especially not when its green and full of used tissue paper.

4)I now know where the water used to prepare school canteen food comes from.

5)To get any form of liquid to drink in sentosa, be prepared to part with plenty of liquidity.

6)Why are there so many good looking people?

7)It's possible and not at all awkward to be nice to people like tenguin. Feels quite good.

8)But it won't last for long, though.

9)Why are there so many good looking people?

10)It's not always a good idea to go in a big group, cos there'll be disagreements in what to do. Unless everyone goes for the same reason, which, for me, is to look at the hot hot things. Like the, erm, sun, bbq pits...

11)Why are there so many good looking people?

12)Sentosa, in english, means cut-throat island.

13)There's a reason why sunblock was invented.

14)There's a reason why my skin's peeling now.

15)Why are there so many good looking people?

16)Poser shades do not make good goggle replacements.

17)Fun is how you define it. Even if it means degrading your mentality to 7 year old level and doing stuff like wrestle each other off floating devices and end up drinking loads of salt water and dying of high blood pressure in the process.

18)People know when you stare.

19)Thank goodness for black poser shades.

20)Why are there so many good looking people?

Ok. Enough crapping for now. Cheers.

1:06 p.m. - 2003-06-20


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