monkeycrap's Diaryland Diary


Generations have lost arms, legs to fight for freedom. If you follow in their footsteps, you lose your heart.

Ok. Today was a pretty good day. I shall now proceed to bore you readers further by blogging about it.

Was supposed to meet catface at causeway point. Almost didn't make it there. Nearly died of suffocation in the MRT. Due to this lady's body odour. Look, i know that everyone of us has a distinct smell, and yes, that i may not smell too good myself after a run, or after a long tiring day. But this lady, my gosh, its really indescribable. Ok i shall try. Imagine a murky brown pond, unused for 74 years, filled with dead fish and animal dung. There's a turtle, dead for 74 days and floating on the water, infested with insects and maggots. This lady here, took the turtle, cracked the shell open, removed what's left of the green flesh and rubbed it all over her body. Yes, she smells worse than that. I was freaking sitting next to a rotting corpse. Ok if she was some poor old lady with no home to live in and hence can't bathe, i would NEVER laugh at her. But no, this was a lady who wore quite decent clothing, and was carrying cold storage bags. And no, it wasn't the marketing that smelled. Really man, what did she do, bathe in ass juice? Even if it's like, natural BO, can't she detect it and cover it up with perfume, so as not to create nasal armageddon? That, ladies and gentlemen, is biological warfare. Our very own Weapon of Nasal Destruction.

Reached causeway point, to catch my free movie, 'what a girl wants'. Absolutely brilliant. Definitely recommend it to anyone, in search for, erm, hope? Ok plotwise, i must admit, not that magnificent, too many coincidences, everything fitted too perfectly, nothing much. But it's the freaking simplicity of the show. There's so much to learn from. Actually its not so much about learning, but the show reinforces the facts about hope, love, dreams, staying true to oneself, how we, as power hungry humans, should go back to basics, appreciating what we should have, how assholic the high class people can be, how being a normal commoner can be a great blessing, how nice people don't necessarily finish last. Ok. Maybe i am a sucker for parent-child movies. Ok ok, i admit i am one. But really, if you are in need of simple, touching, understandable movies, go catch it. Plus, the soundtrack, which I just downloaded, is superb, great great music, and, of course, there's the quite good looking Amanda Bynes to top it all off.

To think the critic gave it quite a bad mark. Oh well, i've never trusted reviews anyway, always have this feeling that they give low marks to make themselves sound professional. Maybe you need special effects or a complicated storyline to get full marks. Maybe if 'What a girl wants' involved alien abduction or parallel universe theorems or cannibalism, then it would get the 5 star rating.

Gave a call to pimple plantation last night, something which i've not done for a long long time. Talked from 10pm to 4am, about loads of shit. Guess i can now safely say that the little animosity that we had is now gone. Or at least subsided for the time being. That's quite a relief.

Ok then, shall stop crapping here. Damn tired. Gotta wake up early for my NS medical checkup tomorrow. Time flies when you're blogging. I can't believe its only another 10 hours before I call in sick for band practice. Cheers.

11:20 p.m. - 2003-06-16


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