monkeycrap's Diaryland Diary


the difference between success and being where you are right now is known as an inheritance.

If you plucked a special moment from life and framed it, were you defying death, decay and the passage of time, or were you submitting to them? - Orhan Pamuk

I believe it was the funereal weariness of the midday June humidity, coalesced with the fact that time was on my side, that invoked a subtle eagerness in me to leaf through photo albums, both online and those put together pre-digital-ixus-coolpix-age.

Yeah, I was such a spheroid when younger that I actually took up 2 time zones worth of space.

Combing through the multitudinous gobs of witnesses to trigger happiness, I kinda realised that it's these framed episodes, whether preserved on a glossy piece of 4R sheet or as another insignificant addition to the gargantuan database on, that play such a pivotal role in impacting our raison d'etre, that influences so much why we do what we do.

The mouse clicks, the page flips were composed, steady. My mind, however, worked at a slightly different tempo, with random thoughts flitting through as I looked at each snippet of my past looking at me, knowing that, hey, I lived what I'm seeing, and that the mixed emotions that are evoked upon looking at some of the photographs are one of life's rarities exclusive to me, and me only. The holidays, the gatherings, the farewells, the candids, the sceneries, the serious, the posing. And of course, pictures taken during the earlier years at the old house, where it stopped being the place I had grown up in, just when I was starting to grow up.

So it's been a month into the holidays. I guess I'm kinda more or less recharged from all that slacking around, but of course, there's never such thing as too much bumming. After all, the future can always get better than the past, as long as you didn't do much yesterday. Although I must admit, I'm getting a little bored. Not that getting a job and stuff would help ease the listlessness anyway. You need several tequila shots for that.

11:44 a.m. - 2007-06-06


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