monkeycrap's Diaryland Diary


The more alternatives, the more difficult the choice. -- Abbe' D'Allanival

I've been suffering from post-nasal depression. You know, the period of time after a bout of flu where you're cured but still feeling tired and weak and hence have to stay at home and do nothing thus getting all bored and stoned.

But still went out over the weekend though. Met up with binny and talked about lots of stuff ranging from people to, well, people, over a plate of tulang. For the gastronomically uninitiated, that's a dish made of goat bones stewed in a crimson blood red sauce that stains anything it comes in contact with. You approach the dish like a lion would approach its game in the serengeti, and no way else. It looks every bit as gross as it sounds, yet the soft stewed meat penetrated with the piquant sweet-spiciness of the sauce goes down delectably, adding up to a divine mish-mash of flavours that explodes tenderly in your mouth.

Am I the next food critic or what? Heh.

Actually, not so, according to my journalism teacher. Cal, remember the article i had to do? Yeah he described it as rather dull and needing a fresh angle. I thought that's how people describe sex. Anyway just managed to pass it, although me doing well enough in the exam managed to salvage the situation enough for a B grade overall. Oh well. Whatever la ha.

Was out walking around with my mum last week, and met this lady who's a tea connoisseur. She's been studying tea for years in China and Japan, and talked to me all about the art of tea drinking, from how to taste to water temperature to the importance of cup sizes. TEAcup sizes, ahem very much.(Although there is a blurred distinction as to which one actually deserves higher priority in my life.) Anyway she brewed me a few cups of tea, and i was amazed by the grace of it all. It is an art form, and according to her, very therapeutic. She was talking about the importance of having a hobby that relaxes one's mind, and suggested that i go back to playing the piano, which i haven't touched in 15 months. Well, it sounds more like a harpsichord now, cos the strings snapped while i was surfing the net. Yeah. Don't ask me how.

Never have I been so free from stress and stressed out at the same time. Right now, there's nothing to stress me out. At all. Like i said, 90% of my camp's in thailand on overseas training, and i can afford to sleep and only wake up wake up on a saturday night when september ends. So what's driving me up the wall? Choices. Choices. Choices. Making them. Mr. Nike says, "Just do it." Not that easy, sir. So many difficult choices, choices with disgustingly equivalent opportunity costs. I'm not gonna go in detail, cos i don't feel like doing so, and some of these choices that i've to make are very personal. But i can tell you that university is in itself one major headache. Also, not only making choices, but living on past choices. It's not about regretting, because there is absolutely no point in doing so, but it's about trying to smoothen the bumps and filling up the potholes which've arose from previous decisions. What to use to do so? Should i even bother? Again, more choices.

If you had to choose an animal to represent yourself, what'd it be? Was talking to my sis about this yesterday in another one of our mindless banters while we watch her hamsters running around in their cages. Some people probably'd describe me as a vulture, taking advantage of the weak for my personal gain. I don't think so. The advantage part, maybe. But give me some credit. I only do so when there's good stuff at the end. I don't do scraps. Oops, major character flaw uncovered. Anyway, what i would really like to represent myself as, but don't think i'm up to it, is none other than the raven. Nobody knows much about it, it just flocks around mysteriously in solitude, but it knows what's going on. It is proven that ravens have an intelligence equal to that of dolphins, yet it doesn't preoccupy itself with doing flips and stuff like that. It just observes with its stereoscopic vision. Cool huh. But yeah, i'd still say turtle, which incidentally is my favourite animal. Slow, steady, hard on the outside, soft inside, doesn't run away from problems but hides from them behind its defence mechanisms, quiet but big mouthed, adaptable in different external conditions yet helpless when overturned. Oh. And eats anything.

Reminds me of a scene in 'Friends'.

Monica: Hey Phoebe, do you think your favourite animal says very much about you?
Phoebe: What, like behind my back?

Signing off now, cya around!

And I don't want the world to see me
Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am.

Goo Goo Dolls - Iris
Classic song man.

10:34 a.m. - 2005-09-12


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