monkeycrap's Diaryland Diary


man who dances on toilet bowl is high on pot.

Worked overtime in the office today. After everyone left, it was me, my computer and the radio left. It was dark outside and the entire block was empty. And the stupid radio had to play the trailer for Exorcist: The Beginning. I mean, what the heck? So I rushed to turn the radio off. And the place got so eerily quiet. Which made it even scarier. I left immediately.

While walking out of camp, spotted this white silhouette of some malay guy by the old colonial building. Went to take a closer look, and realised it was indeed a real-life malay guy. Who was originally earthy-brown in colour but made white by the flickering spotlight. Now this part I don't understand. While I walked, he followed, and tried to scare me. First he started shouting 'MWAHAHA'. I knew it was him and I had a long day so didn't really bother to respond, or turn back. So he suddenly turned soprano and went 'MWEEHEEHEEHEE!!'. Again, i didn't raise an eyebrow and walked on. So he continued. 'WOOF!!WOOF!! WOE! WOE!' Nothing. 'MEOW!! MEOW!! PWEEEEE!!' I was starting to get agitated. And then came the final straw that made me turn back. "TERBABOOM!! TIU TIU TERBABOOM!!" Oh my gosh. Who the hell scares people with a terbaboom?? You wanna scare someone with a terbaboom? Try migrating back to the 1980s when that phrase was actually in use, blahder. I was laughing like a brown cow man. So I went up to him and asked him what the heck he was trying to do, and he was like, "Wah u take so long to respond, can die man!!" Heh. Interesting character.

Hmmm. Life's been meaninglessly ok during the past few weeks. Watched 3 movies, White Chicks, The Terminal and Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter...and Spring. White Chicks was hilarious, but plot and storyline was pathetic. The terminal, well, simple and heartwarming with a twist of humour. But lack of depth la. 'Spring'... some korean movie. Extremely artistic. Entire movie was filled with nothing but metaphors and symbols, it's like one entire lit lesson. Well produced.

Apart from that, narrowed down my university choices. Apparently I'm gonna spend uni days either in toronto, ontario, or halifax, nova scotia, or kent ridge, buona vista. Did other stuff like defecating in the bushes of east coast park, but that's not a story meant for a public blog.

Really really dead tired now, will write again soon. Later.

10:27 p.m. - 2004-10-05


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