monkeycrap's Diaryland Diary


We need to prepare for life the same way we do death.

Didn't seem too long ago that i last posted an entry describing my first 2 days of block leave. And now it is time. It's all over, and i continue with my 2 and a half year tread, to work my way towards being the green faced, proud looking, helmet adorning soldier so commonly seen plastered on the face of the SBS bus.

In case you people were wondering, yes, i've found out where'd i be posted to. Nope, despite singing 'wishing and hoping' in the shower for 5 days, i did not get into the band. That's actually pretty expected as i'm so unfortunately deemed to be combat fat, er, fit. So, for the next 2 years, yours truly will be hanging around in the armour unit, getting himself acquainted with tanks and more tanks. All i can say is, tank you very much. That's right, put the short guy in a tank and laugh as he tries in vain to manueveur it round the bend. Oops, didn't anyone remind the hobbit bout the land mines dead ahead? Too late.

But seriously, i'm fine with the posting. While most of ya will be stuck playing live cs and having an m16 for your wives, i'll be upgraded to playing live battlefield 1942, and i'll have big bertha for company. And personally, i'm not too bothered about ranks and stuff, like my pc always said,'rank is what you wear, respect is what you earn'.

All in all it's been a real good week, from jamming on mon, to stoning on tues, to bowling and shouting at the stadium during the soccer match between s'pore and japan on wed, to playing cs on thurs, to lazing around on fri.

Ok. The truth is that i'm pretty afraid. We all are, to a certain extent. And this fear, its the cause of us being doubtful. Being anxious. Being resistant to change. Not wanting to try. Not wanting to take the plunge. Not wanting to live life for what it is. But what exactly am i afraid of? Well i did a little thinking and i narrowed it down to the future, regrets and blue cheese. The future because it will not turn out as expected. It never does. I'm just freaked that it may be too overbearing. Regrets. I'm afraid that at the end of it all, the cloud of regret will just collapse on me. I don't wanna regret, i really don't. But i know i will. And lastly, blue cheese, cos it is the most digusting thing ever invented by man. Yup, all these inane ramblings coming from someone who lugs around a blue, outfashioned 'no fear' bag. Oh well.

Went through photos of prom night, honours night, baccaleaurate day, malaysia trip. You know the tuft of grass, or in the malaysia trip's case the orange tuft of grass, that i used to call 'my hair'? I WANT IT BACK!!!

Buenas noches.

1:08 a.m. - 2004-04-03


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