monkeycrap's Diaryland Diary


'A man can stand anything except a succession of ordinary days.'---Goethe

Seems to me that my life, in the next few months, will be entirely composed of reading books, watching movies and catching up with friends. Nothing more, nothing less. Which is what i did yesterday.

Went out with family to catch some chinese movie called magic kitchen. My goodness. Could've opted to watch Tom Cruise slicing heads off with a blade in the last samurai, could've opted to watch Sean Penn pull off an academy award nominated performance in 21 grams, could've opted to watch a little boy prancing around in green tights in peter pan, but no, no, i had to watch magic kitchen. Starring the most constipated actor in the world, the F4 guy. Yes, the F4 guy. You know F4 consists of 3 guys and 1 girl right, and out of the 3 guys, 2 are diarrohea-inducing. Yup, so its the last guy i'm talking about. You know when he starts acting cute on the screen, my body convulses, my hair stands, and my popcorn starts repopping.

Went to clementi after that, cos i had to make my way to west coast park. It's been quite awhile since i've been there, and it'll be quite awhile before i actually go there again. But clementi, as horrid and pathetic as the place is, actually holds a lot of great memories. From studying at mcdonalds and coffee bean inside what used to be bestway shopping centre, to cracking jokes and basically going mad in kfc. Now it seems that these will all fade into memory, not unlike snapshots in a yearbook.

Really really miss all those times, and there will be times in the near future where i will so want to relive them, to cling onto them for the sake of substantiating and validating the present, or as a lame excuse to make sense of the pandemonium and chaos i'm currently facing.

Went to west coast park after that, for a mini, pretty impromptu bbq after that. It went very well. Especially climbing the spiderweb pyramid thingy again.

Anyway, will sign off now, going bowling. Take care peeps.

10:57 a.m. - 2004-02-02


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