monkeycrap's Diaryland Diary



This kinda sucks. I wanted to blog about my trip to malaysia but kept deleting my entries cos it wasn't doing justice to the amount of fun i had. And when i finally wrote one reasonable one, i just had to accidentally close my browser window. Argh.

But it doesn't really make much of a difference, for the simple fact that i'm not able to put on paper (or on computer) how much i've enjoyed myself during the trip. I guess the photos, which will be uploaded soon, will help a little in the explanation, but ultimately it's just not describable. Maybe its the fact that i'm actually travelling in a foreign land that exponentiates the enjoyment factor. Walking down roads and highways next to flyovers, taking public transport, tasting the best local delights(both from kopitiams and 5 star posh restaurants), going crazy on roller coasters, looking at gals, erm, scenery, etc. This is what i live for, this is what i bleed for. And to be able to do this with 2 great buddies certainly makes all the difference. Like Vong said, it's all about who you go with. With the right group of people, the destination don't matter. Be it Africa, Norway or Sentosa. In this case it was Malaysia, the land where the gals look good and the toilets look bad. Ok whatever. But seriously, Vong and catface, thank you for making this trip so great and wonderful. It'll be another 3 years before i go on another trip, so thanks for making this last one so damn bloody memorable. It's only been 2 days after the trip's end, but i'm already missing it. Really, thanks so much.

There's so much about the trip i would like to tell u people, like the time we walked in the freezing rain in Genting at midnight, after which we sneaked up to the top floor of the hotel to the observatory (which was closed) just for the sake of taking pictures. Or the times we sat on the roller coaster scaring the shit out of our co-riders with our bushwoman war-cry of "ALALALALA!!!" or our tamil chanting of "ALAGURANI!!". Or the dinner we had with Mr.Hallelujah and the guy who scratched his arms with the steak knife. Or our first taste of sour durian chilli, which was without the shadow of a doubt, satanic, a vile mixture invented to torture prisoners of war. Or the time we had dinner at 'tea for 2', this absolutely freaking romantic restaurant with perfect ambience, that left us wishing that we were actually there with our significant other's, or that it reminded us that we are actually quite a sad bunch of guys. Or about the circus show we watched called 'fantastica', which was (duh...) fantastic(there's always something about new-age circuses that intrigued me). Or the time we walked out along the Kelana Jaya highway in the hot sun, just 3 pedestrians amongst thousands of cars by the side. Or the time we bowled at the cosmic bowl, where the lights went out and were replaced by dancing disco lights (we were drooling over this avril lookalike at that time too). Or the time where the hotel room ran out of hot water, and we played 'chi co pa' while waiting for the plumber to get his job done, as well as for the room service, which took 1.4 hours to arrive. Or the time we tasted the best duck rice IN THE WORLD. Or the... Well there's really so much more. Really.

But it's all over now. All good things have to come to an end. Memories don't, however, and this trip from the 2/12/03 to 6/12/03, to the land where the nicest shopping malls can have walls for urinals in the toilets, will always be etched in my memory. Forever.

12:21 p.m. - 2003-12-08


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