monkeycrap's Diaryland Diary


\"A man can be happy with any woman as long as he does not love her.\"----Oscar Wilde

I guess i just didn't know how precious you were to me, and took you for granted. If only i could turn back time, i would've done things differently, because i'm now filled with regret for not cherishing you when you were with me. You brought so much joy and meaning into my life and now i've just gotta move on and live without you. But i can't. I just can't. I thought you would stay by my side for the rest of my life, but you went away just like that. Why? WHY? Whenever i was sad, all i needed to do was to turn to you, and just listen. JUST LISTEN.

Oh in case you guys were wondering, i was referring to kazaa. Shit man, why did they illegalize music downloading? It's an essential part of life, and now i've to rely on online radio stations, which doesn't give you much choice, does it?

I'll be enlisting for my NS 3 days after seniors' night. 11th December. Well of course it sucks, but considering that many of my friends will be enlisting at around the same time and that we'll be in the same training school, it seems pretty ok. I've been reading blogs of NS people, some of them say it's a great opportunity to concentrate on fitness and spiritual development. Hopefully they're not bullcrapping. But come to think of it, it's not good to stone around for 3 months doing nothing as well. Ah well, there's nothing i can do about it, can i? Except for cursing and swearing at the singapore system, plus the occasional i-wish-i-was-female thought. Ok maybe not.

So i've 2 weeks to enjoy. Man how to squeeze 3 trips, 1 seniors' night and like 512890705 outings and catching-ups in that time span?? And also i'm not sure if i'm able to leave everything behind. And i'm not just talking bout my hair here. It's like my mum totally freaked out. I swear man, i could just cry seeing her expression. Then she suddenly said, "If they make you run and you cannot take it, you better stop ah! So many people died recently leh!" Not very comforting there. Ah whatever la, as forrest gump puts it so aptly, "shit happens".

Haha the celtic radio station is currently playing amazing grace. How coincidental eh? Actually no la, i requested for it. Heh quite nice. Ok will go off now, just spent 1hr 40mins of my Sunday morn online. Will go back to sleep. Still feeling kinda weird now. Maybe its the can of guinness i had last night. Hasta luego, mi amigos.

8:11 a.m. - 2003-09-28


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