monkeycrap's Diaryland Diary


The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it.---George Bernard Shaw

"When it's my moment in the sun,

Oh how beautiful I'll be,

But in a normal sort of way,

Like I am you and you are me.

When it's my moment in the sun,

I won't forget that I am blessed,

But every hero walks alone,

Thinking of more things to confess."

----Clem Snide, Moment in the sun

Don't know why, but this song just keeps ringing in my head. The words, the tune. It's not a great song, at least not one which i'd ask anyone to download. But it's just stuck in my head. By the way, this is the theme song for the 2nd season of the TV series, ED. Really really hope that Mediacorp would broadcast the 3rd season. It would be my comfort food. Good humour, great life lessons, the simplicity of it all man. And the irritating thing is that no one's put the episodes up on kazaa for downloading. Type "ED" and you get lots of porn. Damn.

Today was more eventful than all the days for the past 2 weeks combined. Only 2 more papers left to go. Wonder how i'll have any motivation at all to actually study. Will try though. Went to the library today to surf the net, cos my comp's down with virus(just got it repaired). Ok, let me tell u what happened in the library. All the comps were used up except for one. The user next to the vacant com was, wow, absolutely good looking. Really. Just pure, mind-blowingly beautiful. Hence, being the civic minded righteous guy that i am, i rushed to that com. Placed my bag there and, oops, realised i've not prepaid for internet access. So i went to make payment and when i returned, there was this malay kid at the com, even though my bag was there. So i asked him whether he was using the com, and he just ignored me with this look of shock, awe and then nonchalance, otherwise known as a buay song face. Thought of choking him out with the mouse cable, but realised that it would be tantamount to animal abuse, so decided to forget it and get another com. But just when i found another com and sat down, that kid stood up and left! Smack his ass and wallop his guinness man! And i couldn't go back to that com, cos she'll think i'm some sick stalker trying to find out her email address, which was my original intention anyway. Man, the more u wish the lower your probability. How come chee hong never told us that?

Borrowed some books on spirituality and religion. Going on the net to look for this kind of stuff can get irritating. You mainly get advertisements as to why each religion is the right one, the best one, not to mention the disputes and petty arguments. Over real trivial matters. Like there's this dispute between 2 websites, about whether dinosaurs were mentioned in the Bible. And whether dinos were onboard Noah's Ark. I think i speak for most people when i say, "who cares??" Personally i don't know if dinos were mentioned in the Bible. But i do know of dinos that do read the Bible piously, right nut? Oops. Borrowed some books by Thich Nhat Hanh, someone who tries to combine the good points and reconcile the religions together, in hope that world peace would result. Of course it's not totally possible to do that, which he admits, but he's done a really really good job. It makes a lot of sense. All you need is an open mind.

Went to watch soccer with bighead at bishan just now. One buck allows you to shout for 90 mins without getting arrested for making a din. And not to forget the humour, on the pitch, cos, erm, it's the s-league, and off the pitch due to the nonsense-spouting old men who find pleasure in hurling abuse at the referee.

Ok will stop here, have more to write, but can't express myself fully at 1.07 in the morning, not after a long day. Buenas noches.

12:17 a.m. - 2003-08-30


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