monkeycrap's Diaryland Diary


This thing that we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down.--Mary Pickford

Well. Had a little time to spare. Paper ended early today. Was quite okay, except that i caused myself to lose 11 freaking marks due to pure pure carelessness. Won't go into the details, cos it's just too embarrassing to say. Let's just say a primary school kid would've spotted it and gained that 11 marks. So, if you'll just excuse me for awhile.


Thanks. Wait ah, still got some more.


Yeah. Looks like the lyrics to any marilyn manson song doesn't it? Heh but i'm ok. Just frustrated with myself, for studying yet wasting it away like that. Ah well. Better to screw things up now than later. As the ancient bushwoman saying goes, "shoot lion now miss it's ok, next time hit can have wild party."


12.49 pm - 26/8/03


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