monkeycrap's Diaryland Diary


"Being deep and appearing deep. � Whoever knows he is deep, strives for clarity; whoever would like to appear deep to the crowd, strives for obscurity."

It's been awhile. Man i've been so caught up the past week that i couldn't find an ounce of time to update my blog. And it's not that i've nothing to write about, believe me, i've LOTS to write about. I hate the feeling when there's so much to say but you're hindered by the perils of daily life.

Nut, great to see that you're alive, internetically speaking. Yeah it's half a year more, but at the end of it all, i know that i'll miss people like you and the others from class. Especially when we're all going our separate ways. Vong, thanks for the comments. Apppreciate it.

Speaking of going separate ways, I just came back from the airport to bid spike farewell. I've known him for 6 years. And if you create a movie encompassing the flashbacks of my teenage life, he'll be on most of the scenes. Especially when we, together with catface, would go down to marina square's ccx to study for the o levels. Order 3 coffees, stay there for one entire day, use their power outlet to charge our mobiles, make a mess by trying to pour sugar in one another's discmans and textbooks, joking around... He was the one who intro-ed me to all these slightly upmarket-er places, instead of the usual hawker centres or macs. As i gave him a farewell friendship hug, it occurred to me that this person is gone. As in the person here, right in this moment, get what i mean? Yes, there's videoconferencing, but that can only do so much, as the atmosphere's different from, say, ccx. He may visit, but there's a difference.

Oh well, people come and go in life. Nothing is absolute. Which is why i don't agree with frosty's theory that there can only be one outcome, which is what God wants us to do. And that the only thing that is absolute is the end, which is death. It ain't true man. If everyone's doing what God wants them to do, there wouldn't be any criminals around. And there are plenty of outcomes. We create and shape our own destiny. Only myopic, mindless people leave everything to chance and fate. True, there are many fated and predestined things in life, like death. But death is not the end. It is not an absolute end point. It is a mere transition from the physical to the spiritual. Oh well, to each his own yeah?

Stayed overnight at co-writer's old house last night with merv and fox-hunter. It was damn fun. Especially swimming at 11pm, after a heavy downpour in the afternoon. For those who think that it's cold, scary and guinness-shrinking, you're right. But it's damn fun. Really. Night swimming beats day swimming anytime. We owned the pool. Unfortunately we were dethroned by this moley malay security guard, who apparently had a deprived childhood, spending the majority of it making nasi lemak instead of playing around. He kicked us out of the pool, fair enough, it was late. But he kicked us out of the playground as well! Reason? People complained. Hello, there was a barbecue going on next to us. Well some people are just that sad. Maybe i should give him a box of basic intellect for his birthday.

Ok will stop crapping here. Cheers.

4:08 p.m. - 2003-07-05


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