monkeycrap's Diaryland Diary


'He enjoys true leisure who has time to improve his soul's estate.'--Henry David Thoreau

I've got it all, but I feel so deprived

I go up, I come down and I'm emptier inside

Tell me what is this thing that I feel like I'm missing

And why can't I let go...

There's gotta be more to life...

Than chasing down every temporary high to satisfy me

Cause the more that I'm...

Tripping out thinking there must be more to life

Well it's life, but I'm sure... there's gotta be more

Than wanting more...

I've got the time and I'm wasting it slowly

Here in this moment I'm half way out the door

Onto the next thing, I'm searching for something that's missing...

Hey y'all. It's only been 5 plus days in camp, and yet i feel like i've re-entered civilisation every time i get out. My camp pass can be somewhat likened to the 'get out of jail free' card used in monopoly. But yeah, anyway, i'm doing fine, kinda gotten used to the life. But what i still can't get used to is the fact that i've to communicate with most people in broken mandarin. Yup, chinese with a twist of dialect. One or two sentences, yeah no problem, but all day long? It's more tiring than the training i receive. But i've not much of a choice, do i? Some really don't understand a single bit of english.

'I used to work part time at a bubble tea outlet.'


'I worked part time at bubble tea shop.'


'I made bubble tea part time.'


'I last time make bubble tea one, for part time.'


'I last time make the pao pao cha part time.'

"Oh.....Say so lah!'

I can foresee a huge downward slide of my english standard in the near future.

But that's not all. Ok ok, i really don't wanna laugh at people's pronounciation errors, for the very simple reason that i'm not some accomplished lingustics professor, but i think that there is a pretty large difference between 'simulate enemy straight ahead' and 'stimulate enemy straight ahead'. Excuse me while i go laugh my (pretty vile tasting) cookhouse-provided lunch out.

Last weekend was great. I know, this entry is one week late. It's called the NS time delay chain effect. Anyway, last weekend. Left house at 10pm. Went to bus stop. Saw this girl at the bus stop, in a micro minimised mini. Everytime people stopped to look, she'd start to 'shake that thang'. Some said she was high on drugs. Some said she was high on booze. I'd say she was high on stupidity. Anyway, met cat and vong at city hall, where we scouted for supper. Was left with 2 choices. Cafe cartel and starbucks. Chose cartel cos, well, starbucks kinda, erm, sucks? Heh. Ate till 12.30am (ie ate till they chased us out), before proceeding to stay overnight at raffles the plaza hotel. And by that i mean staying at the hotel lobby, chatting about lots of stuff ranging from how sad our love lives are to how very sad our love lives are. Seriously, it's real hard to find friends like these, whom you can have a great and lively non-stop conversation and joking session with, from 12am to 5am. Maybe i'd find someone like that in camp if i brush up on my hokkien. Walked to city hall mrt to catch the first train. On the way, the chimes from St.Andrew's cathedral started ringing, announcing the arrival of easter. Amazing feeling, standing outside raffles city at 6am, with no one around. Nothing but the sound of church bells. After that, stoned at citylink mall till 6.30 am, where we took a train to somerset to have breakfast at killiney kopitiam, before going home. Now that's a weekend.

Monkeycrapper's energy boosting cocktail recipe for NS serving guys who wanna stay out the entire night without sleeping, even after training the very morning:

(caution: may taste weird, but still better tasting than any beverage served in starbucks...)

2 cans red bull

1 bottle lucozade

double shot expresso

2 bottles essence of chicken

2 chocolate energy bars

2 raw eggs

5 glucose tablets

250 ml isotonic drink

Mix all ingredients in a blender. Garnish with long straw, whipped cream and cherry. Serve chilled. Enjoy.

I still find it kinda odd, the transition towards maturity. Just a year or so ago, life was more or less about going to school(or skipping it rather), going home, going out. And that's about all. There was never any money issue. Money was always never enough, duh. Period. Now i find myself, sadly speaking, more caught up with, materialism perhaps? I guess its pretty normal as we mellow into adulthood. But looking at myself, asking people if they would like to purchase insurance, looking at my investment funds to monitor their progress, analysing soccer betting odds in order to make a quick buck, browsing the newspaper looking for interesting debit/credit card deals etc... Then i see all my friends working, scouting for jobs, planning on how to spend and save their money etc, culminating a feeling of man-oh-man-how-much-have-we-changed-ness. It's not a bad thing, straying from simplicity, its just kinda, surreal perhaps? But we've gotta grow up anyway. Kinda reminds me of the graduation(friends forever) song. And then there are the times that i wish for a return to the days of 'yesteryear'(wah sound like some 50 year old kopitiam apeh), to the times of kindergarten uniforms, super mario, shopping malls without food courts, 10 cent beebee crackers, watergun fights with neighbours, whimsy funland, jumping on beds...You get my drift. The times when the productivity of a day was measured in terms of fun, and needed no calculation. It's so obviously wishful thinking on my part, but hey, i'm already satisfied just writing about it.

7:00 p.m. - 2004-04-17


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